Being Thankful

I liked this ‘thankfulness’ post over on Vixiss’ Vicissitudes blog today, and wanted to do my own. So here goes

Things I am grateful for

1. Having cats in my house to love

2. Still being loved by my wife Irene after all these years

3. The warm sun on a cool day

4. Hearing the birds around our home in the morning

5. Seeing wildlife near our yard

6. Being able to retire before I am too old to enjoy it

7. Still having all my brothers and sisters, even if I do forget to call them

8. Having a best friend I’m still in touch with, Chris, who remembers me from High School

9. The smell of coffee and warm toast (or Pop Tarts!) in the morning

4 thoughts on “Being Thankful”

  1. Taking stock of how fortunate we are is a wise and just policy. The world could do with a little more gratitude, from us, its denizens. Oh, and dude, there’s a bear outside your house! We don’t have stuff like that in South East London 🙂

    1. There have been several visiting bears here over the 3-plus years we’ve lived in the Kootenays: to be honest, I kind of like having them around. We are in an acreage subdivision on the side of a small mountain with ‘wild’ forest all around, so pretty much right in the middle of the black bear’s turf.

      So far the bears only show up for brief walk-throughs. Once or twice a single youngster stopped by to eat berries from a vine on our property. Another time on a hot day a ‘family’ of four splashed around in a kiddie swimming pool that we had out in the yard for our dog. They haven’t been destructive: just on their way through.

      That one in the picture on the original post was a youngster that was part of the kiddie pool visiting family from a year ago. Cute thing, really: probably 50 kilos or so, or about half the size of his ‘mom’ at the time.

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