My Blogging Journey: From Geocities to Self-Hosting and Beyond

How did I get started blogging and why? And why do I continue to periodically ‘shout into the endless void’ that modern blogging seems to have become?

I suppose it started out of a sort of arrogance. I have thoughts and ideas that I sometimes believe others might like to hear. There is also a more generous aspect of my reasoning that imagines my experiences might help someone else in some way.

This post assembles a bit of my blogging history and includes my attempt to explain what drives me to share my weird thoughts on the internet.


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Who is Kelly Adams?

You can look at my ‘About Me‘ page here. Thanks… bye!

Okay, that is a bit of a cop-out. That page is intended to be ‘light and airy’, and the story of me isn’t always that much fun. So I’ve decided to go a bit deeper here. Not too deep, though: I don’t want to bore / sicken / scare too many people away. So read on if you want to know what has made Kelly Adams- the man, the legend, the uber-geek.


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AI in 2024: Debunking Misconceptions and Predicting the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence as a term conjures up all kinds of science fiction images for most people. Colossus, Terminator, HAL 9000, the Matrix: most of the stories are tales of man’s hubris as a ‘creator’ turning against him.

These are all interesting cautionary tales. And advances in the field of artificial intelligence over the last few years have been amazing. But are we really on the verge of ‘the singularity’? Will our creations become smarter than us and then turn against us? Are these the end times, just before our robot overlords arise?


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Read more about the article Elk!  And Turkeys!
Elk with beautiful 5-point antlers

Elk! And Turkeys!

We live in a forest on the side of a small mountain. But our house is also just five minutes or so from the Castlegar’s downtown, so sharing our acreage with wildlife still seems rather surprising to me.

Recently we’ve been visited by a few reminders of where we live.


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Motivation for posting more- Blaugust 2024

Blogging is something I have done since sometime before 2000, but officially using WordPress with the URL since March of 2003.

One thing I’ve never been, however, is a frequent blogger. I’m going to try to change that, especially now that I’ve split off a separate motorcycle related “topic” blog ( and plan to add another with my gaming posts sometime this year. To that end I’ve decided to take a bit of a leap and join up with Blaugust, an annual blogging community ‘festival’ to encourage… well, the blogging community 🙂


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Jasper 2024: Adapting to the burning world

I live in a mountainous region of south-central British Columbia, the central Kootenay. Jasper Park and township are over 700 kilometres from me. Despite the distance, I am able to imagine the shock and horror of fire destroying … well, everything. I feel, though, that this kind of disaster is just going to keep getting more frequent.


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Kelly’s World: Non-Motorcycle Thoughts

You may notice some changes to this blog (Kelly’s World). Specifically, you might notice that my posts about motorcycles are missing.

no motorcycle content

Fear not! My motorcycle content has been relocated to a separate blog: Geek on a Harley. Kelly’s World will remain the place to check for my non-motorcycle and more personal thoughts and interests. Please take a look at the new blog and follow/subscribe to it if it appeals to your interests!


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Pippin: A Loving Tribute to Our Beloved and Quirky Feline Friend

Our sweet cat Pippin passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, June 20, while Irene and I were away. She died in her sleep of uncertain causes, and I miss her in ways that are difficult to describe.

I’m writing this in the hope that a few notes about Pippin will help me rationalize my feelings.


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Retirement: Looking back at the work

My career came to an end on Friday, May 31, 2024. That’s when my retirement became ‘official’.

I am feeling pretty good about no longer being a contributing member of society here in the first week of June. It feels very good to have no thoughts in my head about what needs to be done for work next week.

But I am also feeling a bit thoughtful about the past 40 years or so when I spent 40 to 80 hours a week (130 hours a couple of times) working. I’m turning that reflection into this summary post on my blog.


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