Blogging about blogging

Happy WordPress Anniversary?!

I’ve been doing something akin to ‘blogging’ on the Internet for quite a few years. I don’t have an exact date that I started and the definition of ‘blogging’ is kind of tenuous. But my notes indicate that I began sharing my thoughts and opinions on the web sometime around 1998 or 1999.

Every once in a while, though, I get some reminder of the durability of this strange pastime of mine. Today I noticed I had an ‘achievement’ from WordPress in my notifications that got me thinking.


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Planned outage: Saturday, February 15

I will be bringing brought down my blog server on Saturday to re-organize my server rack in order to fit in a new rack-mounted UPS.

I am not setting a specific time, but hopefully no more than two or three hours sometime in the afternoon. I’ll update this post when the outage is complete. The outage started at 1:00 PM pacific time and completed at approximately 1:50 PM. More details can be found in the rest of this post.


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So much for 99% uptime…

The little server in my basement that runs all my blogs has been down since February 8th. I finally got it back up and running today and, after correcting a few hiccups, the blogs are back up as of February 12th at 10:15 PM Pacific.

What went wrong? And why did it take so long to repair? Well… that’s a bit of an interesting story, but only if you are technically minded. The short, non-technical answer: there was a problem with the storage, and I fixed it by replacing the failing part.

Read on for the longer and more complicated answer…


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Making the OceanWP theme behave

I recently updated this site with a new theme and a few other changes. I had a few struggles understanding how the basics work, and since then have been working on some fine-tuning. It has been somewhere between frustrating and fun, but I feel like I understand a bit better now how to get the OceanWP theme to do the things I want it to.

It is all done via magic… er, no, actually it is done via CSS. And a lot of help from the OceanWP support folks: being able to get prompt support makes paying for the theme seem a bit less painful at least.


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Site design refresh ‘completed’

I’ve completed the site theme update as I mentioned yesterday. It isn’t completely finished: some things are still broken (sorry, macOS Safari users), and I’m not happy yet with some elements of the appearance.

But I did accomplish the main objectives I had. Ubergeek Kelly’s World is now using a more ‘modern’ theme that works with the plugins that were causing problems with the Twenty Fourteen theme I was using previously. And as part of the change I implemented the permalinks change (wth redirects from the old structure) I wanted to make. There are some additional details below for the ‘tech-curious’.


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Gaming content on the move…

For twenty years I had this singular blog: the one you are looking at right now, Ubergeek Kelly’s World. It definitely has served its purpose as a brain-dump blog of all the things that interest me.

But for years I have felt that some topics on the blog just didn’t ‘fit’, and this posed some challenges. I began my plan to address these challenges when I split out my motorcycle related content earlier this year to a new blog: Geek on a Harley. Now I’m beginning the second stage of my changes by moving my gaming related content to a new location: Words of the AgingGamer (


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You can like this post!

No one has liked any of my posts or comments in months. Actually, that isn’t really true- the actual truth is that a small number of people who visit my site without using a browser have liked some of my posts. Nope, that still isn’t completely true: people may like my posts, but they can’t push a button recording the idea that they like them.

That’s a long-winded way of saying that the ‘like’ button that is supposed to appear on posts and comments has been broken. So badly broken, in fact, that I turned the feature off. Well, you can now rejoice! The Like button is back (although as always you need to log in…), and boy is that a story…


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Read more about the article Site title and favicon change: Welcome to Ubergeek Kelly’s World!

Site title and favicon change: Welcome to Ubergeek Kelly’s World!

I’ve made a couple of small changes to my site’s branding. These aren’t big things: I have larger changes planned in the next few months. But they address a couple of things that were bothering me, and hopefully won’t make much of a difference to the folks who visit.

I have updated the title of my site and the ‘favicon’ it uses.


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