Achievements are not something I pursue in computer games, and I’ve carried that attitude to Blaugust as well. But it is perhaps a bit fun to at least spend a moment to consider them, so here goes.
I am what I like to call ‘constructively lazy’. I know that manually implementing cross-blog post references is not going to work for me, so I’ve always relied on the concept of ‘pingbacks‘. WordPress supports this protocol, and if everyone used WordPress that would work well enough.
But many bloggers today avoid WordPress for various reasons. So what do the ‘cool kids’ these days do to create connection between their blog posts? Apparently, the answer is Webmention, and so I decided to quickly activate something to connect this blog to that protocol.
Please note that, as per the ‘Is it Working?’ section below, the current plugin versions of both Webmention (5.3.2) and IndieAuth (v4.5.0) introduce bugs in WordPress 6.6.1.
NOTE: the featured image on this post is AI generated. I love the spelling errors 😉
We had a windstorm here in Castlegar yesterday (August 9th), and that led to a three hour power outage between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM pacific time yesterday. Three hours is far longer than my aging UPS can keep the blog servers and network paraphernalia here running, so both of my blogs went offline.
But a bit of a comedy of errors resulted in the outage being extended by another two or three hours. This post is about those problems and how I fixed them.
One thing I’ve never been, however, is a frequent blogger. I’m going to try to change that, especially now that I’ve split off a separate motorcycle related “topic” blog ( and plan to add another with my gaming posts sometime this year. To that end I’ve decided to take a bit of a leap and join up with Blaugust, an annual blogging community ‘festival’ to encourage… well, the blogging community 🙂
You may notice some changes to this blog (Kelly’s World). Specifically, you might notice that my posts about motorcycles are missing.
Fear not! My motorcycle content has been relocated to a separate blog: Geek on a Harley. Kelly’s World will remain the place to check for my non-motorcycle and more personal thoughts and interests. Please take a look at the new blog and follow/subscribe to it if it appeals to your interests!
So I heard there were some updates for my web server OS, so I updated the updates so I could update. Yikes what a pleasure- but this would probably be easier if I did it more than once a year or so. Or not.
I decided to document a bit about what I needed to do to go from Fedora 25 to Fedora 34, with a few side trips into Apache (HTTP) issues around Fedora 33.
Irene and I have been in the process of relocating from Cloverdale to Castlegar for a while. The final move took place in March, and along with seven cats, many boxes, and the two of us came the server that runs this website.
I upgraded this site from PHPNuke to WordPress in 2005. The cut over was rather abrupt and poorly thought out by yours truly. At the time, I believed I had successfully migrated all of my old content to the new environment. But several years later (!!), I realized the migration had left any article from my old site with a ‘read more’ tag without more to read in my WordPress configuration. This bothered me, and today I decided to see what I could do to ‘fix’ it.