Tag Archives: cloudflare

Yesterday’s website outage

We had a windstorm here in Castlegar yesterday (August 9th), and that led to a three hour power outage between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM pacific time yesterday. Three hours is far longer than my aging UPS can keep the blog servers and network paraphernalia here running, so both of my blogs went offline.

But a bit of a comedy of errors resulted in the outage being extended by another two or three hours. This post is about those problems and how I fixed them.

Continue reading Yesterday’s website outage

My Blogging Journey: From Geocities to Self-Hosting and Beyond

How did I get started blogging and why? And why do I continue to periodically ‘shout into the endless void’ that modern blogging seems to have become?

I suppose it started out of a sort of arrogance. I have thoughts and ideas that I sometimes believe others might like to hear. There is also a more generous aspect of my reasoning that imagines my experiences might help someone else in some way.

This post assembles a bit of my blogging history and includes my attempt to explain what drives me to share my weird thoughts on the internet.

Continue reading My Blogging Journey: From Geocities to Self-Hosting and Beyond