Cat chases black bear up a tree
Cats are creatures that usually have egos that extend significantly beyond their usually diminutive size. But they are also generally equipped with a strong sense of self-preservation that comes from being a predator that often ends up on the wrong side of the food chain (I.E.: on someone else’s dinner plate). We have one cat in our house who possesses more than the usual helping of cattitude…Rommel is his name. (more…)
Woman charged with assault with a deadly…er, dead chihuahua
I was reading one of my news feeds the other day and came across this gem about a woman who beat a dog breeder with a dead chihuahua. Apparently, the dog breeder sold the puppy when it was too young. The purchaser took the puppy to a vet who told her it needed to be returned to its mother, but the puppy died while in transit. The puppy’s purchaser then proceeded to assault the dog breeder using the dead chihuahua as a weapon.
Bilbo safe and reasonably sound…
My wife Irene called me on the phone at about 7:00 am on Friday morning. This confused me: I was working from home and thus sleeping in until around 7:30, and Irene doesn’t normally leave for work until about 8:00 am. The morning brain-fog cleared a bit, though, when Irene explained that she was out walking our dog and calling from her cell. She had found a lost dog, and was bringing it home so we could call the SPCA, and could I please get the cats into the house?
Our cats aren’t supposed to be outside, but often a couple, usually Tux and Rommel, sneak out. This morning, however, four had made it out the door. I managed to get three back in, but Bilbo was no where to be found.
Sasha gone…
Our cat Sasha died Wednesday just after 11:00 pm. It was pretty sudden- she was fine Wednesday morning, a little off around dinner time, and in shock by bedtime. We rushed her to the emergency vet, but they couldn’t save her. It looks like she was sick and respirated some vomit, and this was complicated by her heart and kidney problems.
Sasha came into our life as something of a lost soul…
Do the math…
My wife and I have a lot of animal companions. Seven cats and a dog share our house, and a horse is stabled a few minutes away. Most of the critters are healthy and easy to get along with. But there are exceptions.
Earlier this year we had to have our dog, Sheena, euthanized. It was a tough decision. But I was pretty clear that Sheena was our first and last dog: I loved her, but dogs are a lot of work.
Irene has been working on me ever since. She wanted another dog. But we have a household of seven cats, and that's busy enough. Up until this weekend, logic prevailed: despite several near misses, we remained dog free. I finally broke down this weekend. Meet Sadie...Hard choices…
Irene and I love our animals. Seven cats, a horse...
...and until yesterday, a dog. We made the decision On July 3rd to have Sheena euthanized. Goodbye, old girl...Dog trying to commit suicide?
Irene was brushing our dog Sheena today and discovered that Sheena had a cut on her neck. I took a look, thinking it was a little nick or something…but instead it was a huge, 3″ long slash going quite deep into the flesh. (more…)
Have you ever tried… medicate seven sick cats? Two of which, in addition to needing antibiotics, also need forced fluids and feeding? Well, it kind of works like this...
- get medicine ready
- get towels ready
- get firstaid kit ready
- search for cat #1
- find cat hiding under bed
- try to grab cat from under bed
- watch cat suddenly develop jet assist and VTOL capabilities
- apply first aid kit to various wounds from cat's escape
- find cat hiding under sofa
- grab cat and drag to appropriate medicating location
- apply medication
- find applied medication in left nostril, ear, or under nearby furniture
- apply medication again
- remove teeth and claws from sensitive body parts while not releasing cat
- reposition cat from its location on head to appropriate medicating location
- force fluids into cat's mouth
- clean fluids from arm, chair, floor: note that cat's mouth is still dry
- successfully force fluid into cat's mouth
- use first aid kit on various claw marks on head, arms, and face while holding on to cat
- reposition cat from its location on back to appropriate medicating location
- force "palatable nutrient paste" into cat's mouth
- remove "palatable nutrient paste" from eye, elbow, and wall: note that cat has not eaten any food
- successfully force paste into cat's mouth
- attempt to clean cat
- conclude that cleaning cat is not worth any further scars
- release cat and apply first aid kit to various wounds
- search for cat #2...