Jeff Bezos is a pathetic coward

There is a lot of anger and anguish pouring out on the internet over the past 48 hours. The Washington Post, a bastion of the ‘old guard’ news media, has chosen to be silent on their recommendation for the 2024 U.S. election.

Their stated position is that this is a ‘return’ to historical political neutrality. But they haven’t been quiet about their recommendations in previous elections for the past several decades. Why the sudden shift? Because Jeff Bezos is a narcissistic and pathetic little pissant coward. The editorial staff of the Washington Post had an endorsement of Kamala Harris ready to print, but Bezos stopped it. One of the richest men in the world is cowering under his $200 billion dollars of wealth against the possibility that the Almighty Trump might win the 2024 election.


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