Case mods…game over, this guy won

There is a sub-class of computer enthusiasts who build extreme gaming rigs.  They do crazy things like refrigeration for cooling, and spend thousands of dollars to squeeze an extra 5% of performance out of their computer.

Then there are folks who follow another extreme path.  They spend hundreds of hours turning their computers into artistic expressions.  Some of them can be quite amazing.  But I think I’ve now seen one that can not be topped.  Watch this video to see the Doom3 case mod, completed back in 2006 after 15 months of work (so this is old news…sue me).

The video shows the work that went into constructing this tour de force.  It has remote controlled animation,  custom cut etched glass, video displays, and smoke.  But the real beauty of this case is the incredible air brushed and hand crafted detailing of every feature, and the coherence with the Doom3 style.  It doesn’t look like a computer case dolled up to pay respect to Doom3- instead, it looks like a building or structure you  would find *in* the Doom3 game itself.

If you don’t like watching the video or want some supplemental information, you can check out this work log of the case construction (or this one, if you prefer: I’m not sure which one is the most complete).  You can see some screenshots of the Doom3 game environment that the builder used for inspiration to see what I mean about consistency…and dozens of photos of the painstaking effort that went into the case.  Nicely done, CrimsonSky!

[tags]case mod, doom3, crimsonsky[/tags]

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. lightsaber

    This is fantastic!

    Would love to also see ambient light real time effects – there is a cool vid of ambient light for Doom 3 at

  2. Kelly Adams

    Thanks for dropping by to comment, Lightsaber!

    And thanks for the link to the ambient lighting video. I can’t say I personally find it particularly appealing. Mind you…despite how beautifully done the Doom3 case mod I describe in this post is…I can’t see actually having this as my computer, either. I mean…where would I put it? It’s a bit more of a museum or display piece than a practical computer.

    I suppose, though, that exactly the same is true of those beautifully done up Harley motorcycles you see at bike shows. The ones with gold plated bright work, 10 foot long forks, and weird handlebar angles. Yes they can be ridden, but mostly they are assembled to look at. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all 🙂

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