It’s a little past midnight, so that means it is now officially 2007 here on the Wet Coast. Irene and I got back from Chilliwack about an hour ago, and my wife is already off in dreamland. I’m sitting here in front of my computer with a glass of cognac at hand, pondering the deep imponderables. Actually, I’m just experiencing a mild buzz from the cognac fumes as I upload a handful of photos from Judy and Bryan’s New Years fondue party.
Dennis successfully gave us something new to talk about by almost burning down Judy and Bryan’s house while lighting the fondue burner. No harm done- Judy got to be the hero of the day for grabbing the fire extinguisher Shane insisted they buy a couple of days ago, and which Bryan had installed just in time for use. The fondue itself was great- the last time I cooked with fondue was…oh, probably 30 years ago. Chicken and beef bits, and Irene was frying up zucchini. Lots of snacks were around as well- Judy never permits an empty tummy.
All in all, a great way to spend the last few hours before the turning of the year. I expect great things from everyone in 2007: nah, scratch that- I just want everyone to be happy, great, small, or indifferent.