Irene’s Surgery update

Irene went in to the hospital today for her second hip replacement surgery (left hip this time).  Everything seems to have gone well: she was in pre-op at 8:00 am, entered the surgical ward around 9:30, surgery around 10:00 am done by about noon, out of post op by around 2:00 pm. 

I wasn’t able to see her at all from 9:30 am until about 2:00 pm, and her surgeon wasn’t around to talk to me.  However, Irene seems fine, although basically she was sleeping the whole time I was with her.  I got home about 30 minutes ago.  I felt kind of bad leaving, but the cats need to be fed.  And stupid as it sounds, I was starting to feel pretty zonked by about 4:00 pm- I was becoming jeleaous of Irene’s comfy bed and her snores 🙂

I’ll be going back to the hospital tomorrow to visit.  Irene should be home by Thursday, assuming things go as per plan.  Thanks to everyone for all the kind thoughts you have relayed!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Oblivion

    Glad to hear everyone is safe and sound. The word surgery always makes me nervous and a quick in and out is awesome to hear. Send my hello’s when she wakes.


  2. Kelly Adams

    Thanks, Leaha, I’ll pass on your greetings later today when I visit her.

    Irene was alert and reasonably comfortable when I visited her yesterday (Tuesday) and everything is well. We expect she will be coming home tomorrow (Thursday), which I’m looking forward to.

  3. Chris

    “Irene was alert and reasonably comfortable when I visited her yesterday (Tuesday) and everything is well. We expect she will be coming home tomorrow (Thursday)”

    Good to hear and it save me having to track you down by phone to ask. I guess this is our cue to send lots of flowers you have to water and that will set off your allergies 😉

  4. Kelly Adams

    Thanks, Chris- just what we need: more plants 😉

    It’s confirmed: Irene is coming home tomorrow AM. They actually offered to let her come home tonight, but she decided to stay. That was probably wise- once she gets home, the kittens will be pouncing all over her, so no more nice sleep!

  5. Chris

    Kittens bouncing off her and a husband in need of severe nagging … I mean you’ve been left alone fro 3 days without female supervision, it’s lucky the house is still standing! A wife’s work is never done 😆

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