Our vacation: Victoria Tall Ships 2008

Irene and I spent the last five days over on Vancouver Island in Victoria for the Tall Ships Festival. I had a good time, and would particularly recommend seeing the Tall Ships to someone who has a moderate to strong interest in the age of sail. So what did we see? Well, a lot of ships, of course 😉

I’ve put a couple hundred pictures up into the Gallery- I’m sad to say that the majority of them are unlabeled, as is often the case when I upload large numbers of photos. You can click the photo below of the Eagle to go to the Gallery folder if you like:

click here to see a slideshow of the whole set of Tall Ship Vacation pictures I took.

On a related note… one of the evenings when I was recovering from far too much sun, I took a couple of pictures of Chris’ hotel from the little balcony on our room. I thought it would be funny if I, perchance, happened to catch Chris or one of his family members out on *their* patio. I couldn’t see them through the viewfinder, so I figured it was a lost cause…

That’s pretty much what I saw, except quite a bit smaller through the camera’s viewfinder. Chris’ room was on the third floor, towards the center of the picture…can you see what I saw later when I was reviewing the photos? Here, let me help you…


I’ve only known Chris for 30 years, so I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure that’s him, shading his eyes and looking directly back at me 🙂 For comparison, here is a photo of Chris taken earlier that same day:

Now… I could be imagining things, but if you look at that enlarged photo above, doesn’t it look like Chris was holding a camera? What is the chance that he was taking a photo at that exact time (Friday, June 27, 7:10 PM according my photograph’s EXIF data)? <shudder> That would be far too spooky…

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Chris

    Yep. That’s me. And yes that is my camera in hand.

    I’ll have to check see if I was taking a picture of your hotel at that time… and hope I kept the curtains closed the rest of the time! 😮

  2. Kelly Adams

    I wasn’t trying to spy, honest! Mostly, I was just feeling kind of wiped, and it was cool at that particular moment on our little balcony, and the camera was nearby…

    But it is a good illustration as to why the idea of having thousands of high-resolution cameras in public places, accompanied with advanced facial recognition software, is a bit on the 1984-scary side of things.

    Back to drinking my icy pepsi and trying to stay below the vaporization point…

  3. Chris

    It does make you wonder why the paparazzi have to get right up in people’s faces… they don’t have to to get pictures, neither you nor I have expensive equipment and you could get pics of me from a good 1500m away.

    As to people tracking you with cameras in public places and recognition software … my problem with that isn’t the tracking but not knowing who is doing it. As long as I got the name and address of the person doing the “find all instances of this guy” search, I’d be fine with it. Level playing field and all that.

  4. Shane

    Sounds like you all had a lot of fun, and the weather couldn’t have been better :), well maybe a little cooler, but I don’t think you will find many of us B.C. folks complaining about the heat, after the craptastic spring we have had 😉

  5. Kelly Adams

    The weather was great 🙂 The only problem was me: I seem to be a lot more sun-sensitive than I used to be, and I was always extra sensitive. Nothing that some time in doors and some Solarcaine can’t fix, though 😉

    Funny, though: after a spring complaining about how crappy our weather has been, now I want air conditioning 🙂

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