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Spooky Relics…

I have gone several days without really enjoying the area I now live in. Work and personal errands get in the way: but really, that’s an excuse.

So today I made some time to get out on my e-Bike and ride around the neighbourhood. It was starting to sprinkle a bit when I set out, but the rain held off- assuming it is coming at all.

A threatening sky… but mostly it just threatened

I didn’t go a particularly great distance: just over 4 km in 20 minutes. But I did try a bit of ‘off-road’ riding. It was fun, but I’m terrible at it: practice will hopefully make me better. And I spent a few minutes taking a better look at some old car wrecks Irene and I had looked at a few days ago when we went out for a walk.

Some old relics… kind of like me, but with more rust

The little trail near us was apparently once part of a plan to expand the subdivision. That fell through, and our neighbours have kept the trail somewhat clear over the years for walking and for their kids (now grown) to sled down in the winter. Apparently the old cars are actually on the corner of another larger acreage.

I’ve always found the idea of abandoning old cars in the trees to be a bit odd. Why not dispose of them more permanently? Is there some story behind why these old junkers were kept? Like a ‘one day I’ll fix these up’ sort of fantasy? They make me wonder.

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