Gone fishin’

I will be away from home for the next week and a bit. I’m flying to Las Vegas in a few hours to attend a work-related technical conference. That ends next Friday, at which point Irene is flying down to join me and we’ll spend a long weekend seeing the sights in Vegas.

I will have Internet access, but I doubt I’ll be making any updates or blog postings while I’m away- I expect to be pretty busy. Rest easy, though: I’ll be back in ten days, refreshed and ready to post- hopefully you’ll all survive without your Uber Geek fix 😉

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Oblivions

    Woot! K and I set loose in Vegas! Have fun!

  2. Kelly Adams

    Thanks, Oblivions 🙂 I’m sitting in a classroom at the conference now, waiting for a lab to start. The crazy fools gave me a lab machine with internet access! Bwahaha.

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