Its purdy…

I think I’ve pretty much finished this round of site design updates.

The key things I added/changed:

  • The overall theme: the main text block is now “flexible” in size, and that was the main thing I wanted. The theme I picked, the Ensellitis theme by Chris Ensell, was just about perfect. I made some very minor changes, altering a few elements of the left block and link colours and such. I don’t know why there aren’t more of these “free flow” templates- how many website visitors come to a site at 800×600? And frankly, my posts are too dang long to look “right” when scrunched down to 40 characters wide or so
  • I’ve added a “most recent comments” section at the left
  • I updated my banner image, adding a picture of Sadie in the process
  • and finally, I added a simple visitor stats block courtesy of Joe Cheung

Netting it out, I think its an improvement. I still have a bit of cleaning up to do. UPDATE: oops, forgot my Google News and Slashdot feeds….fixed

Thanks to Chris Ensell at Ensellitis and Joe Cheung for allowing folks like me to benefit from their work!

Another update: wrapped my header image with a div tag and made it overflow:hidden; this makes its behavior a little nicer. I found a bunch of good examples of different div tag effects on images that helped out a lot

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ensellitis

    No problem =) I love to see my stuff put to good use, and you definately did that. Keep up the great work on the site!

  2. Kelly

    I appreciate you dropping by, Chris. My first personal website, best forgotten by history, first went up in 1996- somewhere along the line I learned to leverage other people’s good work whenever I can 🙂 But I like to give appropriate credit: I always worry a bit that the folks who contribute their good work via a GPL or creative commons release don’t get the recognition they deserve.

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