I mentioned in my post earlier today that I thought my updates to this site had rendered it incompatible with Safari by failing to display the left and right sidebars in the main blog list navigation. I’ve done some further testing and found that I was completely wrong.

The problem is that my site now has responsive design features that ‘trigger’ differently than I’m used to. Sidebars will be turned off if the theme detects that the browser window size doesn’t provide sufficient space (based on its rules) to render the content and the sidebars. You can see this behaviour by opening any browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox) and resizing the window. At some point the menus will also collapse into a hamburger icon. You can also try using your browsers ‘zoom in’ and ‘zoom out’ feature to trigger the responsive design change.

I feel somewhat foolish for not thinking of this earlier. It is a simple demonstration of responsive design doing the kind of thing it is intended to do i.e.: keeping the website’s primary content readable with different screen formats and browser settings. Responsive design is what makes a site usable on a phone and a computer.

I’ve also adjusted the fonts for readability and made a few tweaks to the single post layout. I’ll continue making adjustments based on my own preferences and on feedback: many thanks to Bhagpuss and Wilhelm for their great comments!

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